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Categories:  Educator Resources 
Tags:  ELITalks 
grades:  Adult 

What exactly is kosher laughter? Rachel Levitt Klein and her grandmother take up sides in this rousing and humor-filled debate about how our Jewish tradition teaches us through its own subtitles about when and how it's appropriate to crack yourself (and others) up....... More

When we take part in a program that is billed as free, we generally expect little of the quality and equally that there's some kind of hidden cost....... More

Tags:  ELITalks 
grades:  Adult 

Why was there a time in our history in which G-d saved us "with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm,” but we struggle now to see G-d tangibly in our lives? Sandra Lilienthal suggests that this evolution in miracles might have something to do with the evolution of our relationship with HaShem....... More

Judaism offers us unique ways to both listen openly and without judgment on the one hand and critically on the other....... More

Categories:  Educator Resources 
Tags:  ELITalks 
grades:  Adult 

How do we equip talented communicators with the Torah that they crave to be effective, competent, and confident Jewish educators in our communities? Stephanie Goldfarb reflects on her experience as a "cultural Jew," and how her employer invested in her to bridge the gap between her innate communication talk and the substantive Torah learning skills she was missing to be the leader she wanted to be....... More

We can often think of Judaism as providing a structure for us to deal with the hard times....... More

Categories:  Educator Resources 
Tags:  ELITalks 
grades:  Adult 

Yakir Englander discusses with the ELI audience about how his Chassidic roots have provided him with a lens with which to view the exercise of holiness--pushing the boundaries of what seems to be possible--even when we don't know that the outcome is a good one....... More

Mother and disability advocate, Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer, gets real about the experience of parenting....... More

grades:  Adult 

Liturgist Alden Solovy thinks that we're surrounded by holiness, G-d, the divine....... More

Tags:  ELITalks 
grades:  Adult 

Do we as a community know the difference between helping someone and respecting them? Tova Stabin looks to the cases of the Mishkan and King Solomon's temple....... More

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