Honor Parents
Honor Parents
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The Talmud states that “There are three partners in the creation of a person – God, the father, and the mother. When a person honors the parents, God says, “I consider it as though I lived with them and they honored Me” (Kiddushin 30b). The mitzvah of honoring one’s parents – kibbud av v’em - originates in the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:12). This value continues to be an integral part of Jewish tradition today. As the Kiddushin 30b suggests, honoring our parents is as if we are honoring G-d. Therefore, kibbud av v’em is an expression of our commitment and respect to G-d. In addition, our parents are integral in linking us to our past, our history, and our ancestry. It is our parents who are the first to teach us the rituals and customs of Judaism, and it is our parents who teach us the difference between right and wrong. Our parents are not solely the source of our livelihood, but they are the vessel by which we can best relate to our Judaism and G-d.

Questions for Reflection
1. What can you do to give your parents priority? In other words, what are the best ways in which we can honor them?
2. How can our parents link us to our past generations?
3. How can you incorporate the value of kibbud av v’em in your classroom?