Suggested Scene and Narration

For purposes of dramatizing the lesson, the teacher will be the Narrator or facilitator of the story for young children. As the story is told by the teacher, the children will follow the action in mime and movement. The teacher may elicit dialogue through prompting, questioning, and directing. Generally, however, the teacher will need to recite all speaking parts, touching or looking at the person who would be doing the speaking.
Older children may read from a script, with minimal prompting from the teacher. After reviewing the appropriate materials and gathering the necessary costumes, scenery, props, etc, the teacher will help the children dress as specific personalities and bring the individuals into the scene as the story unfolds. You may use the suggested dialogue/narration or create your own, trying to remain true to the text.
Narrator: One day, Jonah was at his home sitting under a tree.
God: (God said to Jonah) “Go to the great city of Nineveh, and proclaim and tell the people I know that they have been very wicked and mean. If they don’t stop being mean and start being nicer, I will destroy them and their city.”
Narrator: Jonah, however, started out to flee to Tarshish and run away from God. He didn’t want to do the job that God had asked of him. He went down to the sea at Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. He paid for the ticket and went aboard to sail with the others to Tarshish, away from God. (Jonah and the sailors get in the boat and load the cargo.)
Narrator: But God caused a huge wind and such a great storm came upon the sea that the ship was in danger of breaking up. (Storm people surround the boat with streamers or pom-poms and shake them vigorously.)
Narrator: The sailors were so frightened and prayed to their own god. They threw the ship’s cargo overboard to make it lighter for them. Meanwhile, Jonah had gone down into the bottom of the boat and fell asleep.
Narrator: The captain (sailor) went over to him and cried out,
Sailor: “How can you be sleeping so soundly? Get up and pray to your god so we won’t die!”
Sailors: (Take out straws or sticks. Save the short one for Jonah.) “Let’s take these sticks (cast lots) and see who picks the one that’s different so we can find out who has caused this terrible storm.”
Narrator: They picked the sticks they looked toward Jonah.
Sailors “Tell us, why have you brought this terrible problem to us?”
Jonah: “I am a Jew,” he replied. I am running away from God so I won’t have to do what God has asked of me.”
Sailors “We are so scared!. What must we do to you to make the sea calm around us? Look how the sea is growing more and more stormy!”
Jonah: “Throw me overboard, and the sea will calm down. I know that this terrible storm came upon you because of me.”
Narrator: They threw Jonah overboard and the sea stopped raging. (Storm people sit down.)
Narrator: God sent a huge fish to swallow Jonah; and Jonah stayed in the fish’s belly three days and three nights. Jonah prayed to God from the belly of the fish.
Jonah: “Oh God, I was wrong to run away from you. I will change my ways and do what you have asked of me.”
Narrator: God commanded the fish to spit Jonah out upon dry land. Once again, God spoke to Jonah.
God: “Go right away to Nineveh, that great city, and tell them to change their evil ways.”
Narrator: (People of Nineveh are fighting with each other.) Jonah walked for a whole day and told the people the city would be destroyed if they didn’t stop being wicked. God saw how the people of Nineveh were changing from their evil ways. God did not punish them and saved their city.

• What did God ask Jonah to do?
• Why do you think God chose Jonah?
• Why did Jonah run away from God?
• Have you ever disobeyed a parent, teacher or other adult? How did you feel?
• God sent a big fish for a quiet place for Jonah to think. Where do you go to think about important things?
• We read this lesson on Yom Kippur. What do we do on Yom Kippur that is similar to Jonah’s actions?
• Why do you think God gave Jonah another chance?
• Why did God forgive the people of Nineveh?