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Bible Belt Balabusta offers a convenient way to craft a menorah to take with you, wherever you go! "Nine hexnuts glued inside an empty Altoids tin = Travel Menorah....... More

Categories:  Chanukkah 
Tags:  PJ Library 

Come along wit Biscuit as he makes a beautiful menorah to celebrate Hanukkah. It's a great time for stories, songs, food and friends! More

To The Tune Of: "Ants Go Marching" Lyrics by Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, www....... More

The people of Chelm have good hearts, great dreams, and very little sense. So when Mendel needs a table to hold the Chanukah menorah, his simple trip to the storage closet turns into a hilariously bungled quest. More

Categories:  Chanukkah 
Tags:  PJ Library 

Angry that his father is afraid to kindle the Hanukkah lights, Emanuel stows away on a whaling ship. When a storm overtakes the boat, it is his father’s change of heart and the family menorah that light the way home. More

Flameless Menorah
Projects & Crafts

Bible Belt Balabusta offers a simple way to create a Menorah that can be lit in a dorm, early childhood facility, hospital, or any other location where flames are not allowed or safe....... More

1 user

Hanukkah (or Chanukah) is an eight-day festival marked by the lighting of candle using a special candle holder called a menorah,also called achanukiah....... More

Categories:  Chanukkah 
Tags:  PJ Library 

A bear wakes to a wonderful smell that leads him to the house of Bubba Brayna....... More

Categories:  Chanukkah 
Tags:  PJ Library 

Here's a cultural crossover that pays off: a traditionally Japanese poetic form used to celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah....... More

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