Shmini: Kosher Fish
Shmini: Kosher Fish
Projects & Crafts
Categories Leviticus-Vayikra , Shemini 
Tags: Shemini 

In Parshat Shmini, we learn about which animals, fish and birds are considered kosher. For a fish to be kosher, it requires fins and scales. This adorable craft brings a kosher fish to your Shabbat table.

1 paper plate
Blue paint
Paint brush
Colorful tissue paper
Light blue construction paper
Aluminum foil
1 googly eye

1. Cut out a small triangle from the plate for a mouth. Use the triangle as the fish’s tail fin.
2. Paint your plate blue.
3. While the paint is still wet, glue some cut tissue paper scales to the body of the fish. Make sure to brush glue on top of the tissue paper as well.
4. Cut your aluminum foil into scale shapes and glue on to the fish.
5. Add an eye.
6. Glue on construction paper fins to the top and bottom of the fish. Glue on the tail fin.

This craft can be found on, a wonderful resources for Jewish projects and crafts.