The Making of a Good Friend (2 of 3)
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The Making of a Good Friend (2 of 3)

Lesson Summary:

This lesson emphasizes the importance of respecting others and their opinions. Students will delve deeper into their understandings of friendship and compromise, and work on a collaborative project to apply what they have learned.

This lesson is part of a unit called "Teaching Tolerance" from, a resource that offers philanthropy education resources that teach giving and civic engagement. 

 Lesson Purpose: 

Using a traditional Jewish text as its basis, this lesson emphasizes the importance of sharing in a relationship.

*lesson utilizes Pirkei Avot 5:13, and while the English text is provided, some educators might with to use the Hebrew or a different translation, which can be accessed HERE.

Unit Purpose:
This unit encourages students to think beyond themselves and to treat others with tolerance and respect. Using Biblical and Rabbinic texts as a basis, students explore appropriate ways to relate to others. Students will then focus on issues of discrimination and tolerance, both in fictional and non-fictional situations.

Focus questions: What does it mean to compromise? What does it mean to be a good friend? What does it mean to be tolerant of others?

The other lessons in this unit are:
Love Your Neighbor: All The Rest Is Commentary
Bringing Tolerance to Our Beaches


The learner will:

  • become familiar with Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers). 
  • evaluate the actions of others. 
  • write a collaborative poem with a partner.

Be Inspired:The ideas included are offered as starting points as you and your students explore, discover and live the lessons. Be sure to elicit and encourage student and parent participation, consistently reinforcing the value being addressed. Allow lessons to authentically develop and change based on engagement and interests.

Lesson Plan Components

Materials and resourcesmore


Stories about children who have raised money, supplies, or awareness about an issue. (see Bibliographical References) Copies of worksheet Attachment One: We Can Do It! for each student
Copies of worksheet Attachment Two: A Biblical Command to Give for each student
Copies of worksheet Attachment Three: Tzedakah Fair Planning Guide for each student
Variety of resources about charitable organizations (see Bibliographical References)
Tables, chairs, project boards, etc. for fair displays
Tzedakah boxes (one per table)

Lesson Contributors

Lesson from:, a resource that offers philanthropy education resources that teach giving and civic engagement. This lesson plan offers a guide to using several folktales and parables to extend student understanding about giving and gratitude.

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