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Text: Reb Meir, Talmud Brachot 17a Lyrics: CHORUS: 100 blessings Every Day In 24 hours 100 reasons to say Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam We’ll say blessings upon waking, eyes open, getting dressed Going to the bathroom, giving me my breath We’ll say blessings saying thank you for giving us everything we need Make 100 blessings each day, a blessed life you will lead CHORUS We’ll say blessings when we do Mitzvot God commands For wisdom that God grants us to deal with life’s demands We’ll say blessings learning Torah, the lessons make us strong Say thanks to God for giving us the words that make this song CHORUS When we’ve said 100 blessings, it has been a blessed day I’ll say the Sh’ma, its time for bed, gratefully I lay We’ll make more blessings tomorrow, open my eyes and start again And when you make a blessing I like then I’ll say “Amen!” CHORUS....... More
From our friends at JTeach....... More
Music by Dan Nichols, Lyrics based on Pirkei Avot© 2007 Dan Nichols www....... More
Composed by Sam Glaser ©2002 Glaser Musicworks www....... More
“All of Israel” by “Miss” Emily Aronoff Teck Track # 11 from Good Choices, Volume 2 Inspiration Text “All of Israel is responsible for one another--Kol Yisrael arevim zeh b’zeh....... More
Lyrics by Josh Nelson Do you hear, or do you listen? Do you look, or do you see? Can you feel a separation? Because of you? Because of me? There are truths in one another There are troubles we have seen There is hope in understanding There is life in the space between....... More
Music by Dan Nichols, Lyrics based on Pirkei Avot© 2007 Dan Nichols (Hillel, Pirkei Avot 2:5) www....... More
“Do A Little!” by “Miss” Emily Aronoff Teck Track # 1 from Good Choices, Volume 1 Inspiration Text: Rabbi Tarfon used to say, “It is not your obligation to complete the task, but neither are you at liberty to desist from it entirely…” -Pirke Avot 2:16 “Do A Little!” Activity: Use pointing fingers and motion to encourage interactivity and physical engagement while you listen to the tune....... More
Composed by Sam Glaser ©1992 Glaser Musicworks, www....... More