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This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More
From our friends at JTeach....... More
Often sung as a lullaby LYRICS Hamalach hagoel oti Hamalach hagoel oti mikol ra yevarech et han’arim vikareh bahem sh’mi V’shem avotai Avraham v’Yizchak v’yidgu larov, v’yidgu larov b’kerev ha’aretz V’shem avotai Avraham v’Yizchak v’yidgu larov, v’yidgu larov b’kerev ha’aretz May the angel who hath redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named in them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude? in the midst of the earth....... More
Genesis:47:28-50:26 After journeys, revelations, struggles and visions, our ancestors take stock of their blessings in this week's parsha, the last one in Bereshit - closing out the book of Genesis....... More
Genesis25:19-28:9 Esther Kustanowitz uses her dry sense of humor to tell the story of Jacob's family....... More
his beautifully designed guide, filled with watercolor, pen and ink, and crayon drawings illuminates the twelve parshiot of the book of Genesis and provides a wonderful resource to learn, study, and interpret from the perspective of the sages, modern scholars, midrash, legends, and kabbalah....... More