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Abbie Strauss 
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Lyrics: Alef, Bet, Vet (Alef, Bet, Vet) Gimel, Dalet, Hey (Gimel, Dalet, Hey) Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet (Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet) Yud, Kaf, Chaf (Yud, Kaf, Chaf) Lamed, Mem, Nun (Lamed, Mem, Nun) Samech, Ayin, Pey, Fey (Samech, Ayin, Pey, Fey) Tzadi, Kuf, Reysh (Tzadi, Kuf, Reysh) Shin, Sin Tav (Shin, Sin, Tav) Now we’ve sung our Alef Bet It’s very simple so don’t you fret! Just repeat after me It’s as easy as our A B C’s A, B, C, D (A, B, C, D) E, F, G (E, F, G) H, I, J, K (H, I, J, K) L, M, N, O, P (L, M, N, O, P) Q, R, S (Q, R, S) T, U, V (T, U, V) W, X (W, X) Y and Z (Y and Z)....... More

CHORDS Lyrics: Ani ma’amin b’emunah shlema Ani ma’aminah b’emunah shlema Verse 1: I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining I believe in love, even when there’s no one there I believe in G-d even when He is silent I believe, I believe, with perfect faith (TO CHORUS) Verse 2: I believe through any trial, there’s always a way but sometimes in this suffering, and hopeless despair My heart cries for shelter to know someone’s there but a voice rises in me saying, “Hold on my child, I’ll give you strength, I’ll give you hope, just stay a little while....... More


Boker tov, boker tov.
 Boker tov to you.
Boker tov, boker tov.
Boker tov to you.

Good Morning.
Good Morning.
Good Morning.
Boker Tov to you. More

CHORDS Lyrics: Elohai, Elohai Nitzor lishoni mayrah REPEAT Usfatai midaber merma My G-d, My G0d Guard my tongue from evil REPEAT and my lips from deceitful speech....... More

Categories:  No category assigned!

CHORDS Lyrics: Hinei Mah Tov umah naim shevet achim gam yachad shevet achim gam yachad (All parts can be sung simultaneously)....... More

CHORDS Lyrics: Chorus: L’cha dodi (repeat), likrat kala (repeat), p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah! Verse 1: Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad, Hishmi’anu el ha’meyuchad....... More

Lyrics: Lila tov, Lila tov, Lila tov goodnight It’s time to sleep it’s time to dream it’s time to close your eyes....... More

Lyrics: We wake up in the morning, Modeh Ani....... More

CHORDS Lyrics: Or zarua latzadik ul’yishrei lev simcha Or zarua la tzadik ul’yishrei lev simcha Verse: Simchu tzadikim ba’Adonai ba’Adonai v’hodu l’zecher kodsho Simchu tzadikim ba’Adonai v’hodu l’zecher kodsho ....... More

CHORDS Lyrics: Chorus: L’cha dodi (repeat), likrat kala (repeat), p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah! Verse 1: Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad, Hishmi’anu el ha’meyuchad....... More

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