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A young man tells the story of how he prepares, hosts and enjoys a Seder, to the tune of "Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus....... More

To enhance engagement, pose questions to viewers before they watch to help them focus their viewing....... More

1 user

This video by The Fountainheads is rich with symbolism of Jewish traditions as well as pop culture references....... More

This song, a parody of "Get Lucky" by AISH details and demonstrates the importance setting goals and one's self reflection that can be inspired by the sound of the shofar in the beginning of the Jewish year....... More

Categories:  Shabbat 
Tags:  Parody 

Shabbat is gonna' be a good night! Joyful singing and dancing in this parody video can set a joyous mood to celebrate, inspire a conversation about traditions and ritual objects, or inspire viewers to write their own parody....... More

This silly spoof shares important rituals and symbols and can be 'edu-tainment' for young children and their grown-ups! 


1 user

Encourage children to watch, dance, shake or play along to this video that helps share the story of Queen Esther....... More

1 user

Encourage children to watch, dance, shake or play along to this video that helps share the story of Queen Esther....... More

This parody mash-up is rich with the symbols of Passover as well as the story, and is sure to delight any fans of Disney's Frozen....... More

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