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–Ritual Objects  

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For Ruthie's seventh birthday, Grandma Gussie gives her a box of candles....... More

This resource was created by the PJ Library at the PJ Library Educator s Center....... More

Note from the Songwriter: “Oh when the Jews! Go wash their hands!” This was the song shouted by every camper at Shabbat meals as we danced over to the sinks before ha-motzei....... More

Note from the Songwriter: See the flickering candles, taste the sweet wine, smell the warm challah, hear the sound of beautiful singing… All of our senses are engaged around the Shabbos table....... More

1 user

Explore Jewish tradition and ritual garb with a picture of Tefillin Barbie, created by soferet (female ritual scribe) Jen Taylor Friedman....... More

Bat mitzvah may seem like a routine aspect of a young girl s Jewish life, but the tradition is less than 100 years old (unlike bar mitzvah, which has been around for centuries)....... More

Bible Belt Balabusta offers a plan to create beautiful Challah crafts that involve the children doing all the work: "I wrote about at-the-sink tie-dye challah covers with kids, using diluted acrylic paint in squeeze bottles....... More

Review the symbols of the Passover seder with this decoupage glass seder plate craft, adaptable for all ages! A project contributed by Rae Antonoff,www....... More

DIY Jewish Star Stamps
Projects & Crafts

Bible Belt Balabusta provides inspiration to create durable, budget friendly tools for decoration and teaching Jewish symbols! "Our Kindergarteners needed a way to decorate clay Shabbat candleholders without resorting to the traditional and flammable addition of pony beads, so we pushed Star of David pasta into the clay instead....... More

The mezuzah is a sacred parchment inscribed by hand with two portions of Torah....... More

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