The mezuzah is a sacred parchment inscribed by hand with
two portions of Torah. It is stored in a protective case. While
mezuzah cases come in many shapes and sizes, the
parchment inside is always the same.
We are commanded to hang a mezuzah: “... you shall
inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and
upon your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:9 and 11:20).The
them refers to the instructions given by G-d that are
also found in the first two paragraphs of the prayer,
the Shema.
The mezuzah should be attached to the upper third of the
doorpost on the right side as one enters the house or room.
Usually, if the doorpost is wide enough to permit, the mezuzah
is tilted with the upper part slanting inward toward the
house or room. A mezuzah is placed on every exterior doorframe
or entrance to the house, as well as on doorframes or
entrances into inside rooms, except for the bathroom.
Before placing the mezuzah on the doorpost, a special blessing
should be recited. Teach students this blessing:

Materials for Students:
1 plastic glass 4” test tube (Plastic
test tubes are available at florist
supply stores. Glass test tubes can
be purchased from a science catalogue
or a medical supply store)
White Crayola ® Model Magic®
Assorted tubes of glitter
Puff paints
Markers (optional)
Self-adhesive Velcro tabs
1. Distribute one handful of “Model Magic” per student. Divide the “Model Magic”
into thirds. Two thirds will be used for the body of the mezuzah. The remaining
third is for decorations.
2. Shape the larger section into a rectangular form. The “Model Magic” must be a
minimum of 1” longer and wider than the test tube.
3. Lie the test tube down and press it into the rectangular shape. The top of the
test tube must be flush with the “Model Magic.” This insures that when affixing
it to a doorframe, the mezuzah will lie flat.
4. After the test tube is in place, take your finger or the bottom of a marker and
pull some of the “Model Magic” away from the open end of the test tube. You
need this additional space to insert the claf (scroll). Turn the mezuzah over.
To decorate:
1. Make decorations with the remaining third of the “Model Magic.” It is
easy to make snake-like shapes to form scrolls, stars, letters, or designs
To adhere the decorations to your mezuzah, simply press the decoration
in place. “Model Magic” instantly adheres to itself.
2. Decorate with puff paint. Add dots, lines, zigzags, and intricate details to
create a beautiful ornate look. Let dry. (Tip: “Model Magic” never hardens
to a rock-type finish. Once it is air dry, however, it cannot be remolded),
When dry, put the claf in. Adhere the two-sided, self-adhesive Velcro to the
back of the mezuzah. Affix the mezuzah to your door frame as you say the
From Art Ties It All Together: Projects with Pizzazz for the
Jewish Classroom (2000)
Used with permission by Marilyn Nachman and Carol Routman.