You will need:
1. Paint brushes
for each child
2. Ribbon
3. Glue
Cut ribbons into 12”
strips. You’ll need
three ribbons for
each brush. Staple
the three ribbons
together at the
bottom so that the
ribbons fan out.
With a flat edge (I
used a screwdriver),
separate the bristles
of the paintbrush in
the middle. Squirt
glue at the base of
the separated
bristles and insert
the stapled ribbons.
Let the brushes dry
for several hours
before using.
Let the children pick a
paintbrush from your
love to swish the brush in
the air as they imagine
what they are painting.
This song has application
as a creation song, a tikkun
olam song, and a color
song. Sing it as written,
or modify it to suit your
needs. I often omit the
choruses in the middle
when singing with
preschoolers, and I also let
the children choose what
they’re going to paint,
be it a blue sky or a blue
dinosaur! Be creative and
have fun!
I’m gonna paint a beautiful world, do you wanna paint with me?
I’m gonna paint a beautiful world, c’mon and paint it with me!
Blue paint, Blue paint, gonna paint a blue, blue sky (2x)
White paint, white paint, gonna paint white fluffy clouds (2x)
Ohhh… (chorus)
Yellow paint, yellow paint, gonna paint a shining sun (2x)
Green paint, green paint, gonna paint the green, green grass (2x)
Ohhh… (chorus)
Orange paint, orange paint, gonna paint lots of pretty flowers (2x)
Red paint, red paint, gonna paint a red balloon (2x)
Ending Chorus:
We just painted a beautiful world for everybody to see,
We just painted a beautiful world, thanks for painting with me!
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