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–Secular Holidays  

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Portrays, through whimsical animal illustrations and rhymes, the characteristics of a wonderful assortment of Jewish grandmothers and grandfathers....... More

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GRADE LEVEL: 1-4 The true story of two young boys, from seemingly very different background, who rise above their own personal suffering to become great civil rights leaders....... More

Challah-ween: Is Judaism at odds with Halloween?
Lesson Plans
–Challah-ween: Is Judaism at odds with Halloween?

A lesson for middle and high school students that offer several different perspectives on how and if Judaism and Halloween can mix. More

"Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ....... More


There are numerous foods that often are categorized as “Jewish,” and all originate from the various customs that have emerged from different places over time. More

On Passover, we are reminded that it is our obligation to tell the story of our enslavement and the Exodus from Egypt as if we were there....... More

Learn about the history and geographic diversity of ingredients in this recipe for Moroccan Pumpkin Soup. Explore how immigration and culture impact culinary traditions through text study, skits, and discussion. More

A double celebration for Independence Day! In this wonderfully unique book, Jane Yolen and Jim Burke weave two stories at once, as readers see young Gitl in Russia leaving her home for faraway America, wondering what new name she will choose for herself when she arrives, and young artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi dreaming of a monument he wants to build to honor freedom....... More

More than anything, Rivka wants to celebrate Thanksgiving....... More

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