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Simchat Torah
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This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More
Numbers: 13:1-15:41 Will the Promised Land be flowing with milk and honey, or giants and battles? This week's guest narrator, Jay Michaelson invites the spies of Parshat Shelach Lecha to look inside themselves and see what the true story behind the challenges to come is: WE CAN DO IT!! Think of a time that fear prevented you from accomplishing something, although you probably could have done it....... More
By MyJewishLearning....... More
In this week's parsha, we see the ultimate undoing of the people of Israel - the sin of the spies....... More
In Parshat Shelach, twelve spies go to investigate the Land of Israel (Canaan)....... More
The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Torah and discusses specifically various events that occurred as the Jewish people wandered in the desert as well as prepares the people for a transfer of leadership from Moses to Joshua....... More