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Simchat Torah
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While waiting for the bus, a man tells Baxter the pig about the joys of Shabbat dinner....... More
This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More
Note from the songwriter: The Priestly Benediction is a beautiful custom that comes from the text in Numbers 6:23–27 - but I have always been irked by the relative opacity of the language in the tradition....... More
By MyJewishLearning....... More
In Parshat Korach, God commands each tribe to provide a rod and only the tribe chosen to become the priests would miraculously sprout overnight....... More
Numbers: 16:1-18:32 Ready for a Rumble? It's Korach versus Moses ONE NIGHT ONLY! At the TABERNACLE! Who will prevail as the leader....... More
Numbers: 13:1-15:41 Will the Promised Land be flowing with milk and honey, or giants and battles? This week's guest narrator, Jay Michaelson invites the spies of Parshat Shelach Lecha to look inside themselves and see what the true story behind the challenges to come is: WE CAN DO IT!! Think of a time that fear prevented you from accomplishing something, although you probably could have done it....... More
Leviticus: 9:1-11:47 A musical in two acts, this week's G-dcast is so catchy that you'll be singing it in the shower for the rest of the year....... More