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Drought has come to Canaan and Jacob’s sons must travel to Egypt to look for food, including youngest son Benjamin....... More

This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More


By MyJewishLearning....... More

In Parshat Miketz, Pharoah dreams of seven fat cows eating seven skinny cows....... More

In this week's video, the second of a series about Joseph and his interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, Rabbi Fohrman begins to explore the textual connections between the story of Pharaoh's dream and the story of 13 years earlier, as Joseph is sold into slavery....... More

This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More

Genesis:41:1-44:17 Parshat Miketz is positively dreamy....... More

This guide for connection and discussion is provided through a collaborative relationship with www....... More

his beautifully designed guide, filled with watercolor, pen and ink, and crayon drawings illuminates the twelve parshiot of the book of Genesis and provides a wonderful resource to learn, study, and interpret from the perspective of the sages, modern scholars, midrash, legends, and kabbalah....... More


The book of Genesis is the first book of the Torah, and provides the stories of the creation of the world and its creatures, as well as the narratives of the Jewish ancestors and their evolving relationship with G-d....... More

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