Words and music by Todd Herzog, www.ToddHerzog.com
Copyright 2008, Todd Herzog (VoxArt Music, ASCAP)
We are One People
We are One People
We are One People
With many gifts
To offer One Another
There are Jews who come from Paris
And some are from Madrid
Even Jews from Madagascar
Have that “pintle Yid”
Some Jews are Ashkenazi
And some are Sepharad
We all say the same prayers
And worship the same God ‘cause we’re
We are One Peoplev
We are One People
We are One People
With many gifts
To offer One Another
Some Jews live in the country
And drink water from a well
Some visit the mikvah
Some plant trees in Israel
Some Jews lay Tefilin
When they say the Shema
Some wear a baseball cap
And some wear a kipah
We are One People
We are One People
We are One People
With many gifts
To offer One Another
Some Jews give Tzedakah
Some join a Chavurah
Some Jews look for answers
And find them in the Torah
Some Jews like to tell stories
Some play on their guitars
Some find wisdom dancing
Underneath the stars