Words: Liturgy. Music: Dan Nichols and Eighteen © 2000 www.DanNichols.com
Chord Sheet
Pit-chu li sha-a-rei tse-dek
A-vo vam o-de ya.
Open up Your righteous gates, as we enter in faith,
Singing songs with our hearts open, A-do-nai we praise.
Pit-chu li sha-a-rei tse-dek
A-vo vam o-de ya.
You’ve given us the right to choose righteousness and truth.
So hear our prayer of love and hope and we give thanks to You.
Pit-chu li sha-a-rei tse-dek
A-vo vam o-de ya.
Pit-chu li sha-a-rei tse-dek
A-vo vam o----de ya.
Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter them and give thanks to God.